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Not What I Expected

By Alisa Smith

Foot zoning, for me, was a life-changer.

I originally looked into “foot-what?” to see if it could help our toddler with his chronic ear infections. We had tried everything we knew to try, and nothing was working.

When I took him to the foot zoner, he was a sober, slow-to-smile and even-slower-to-laugh, thoughtful little guy. He’d always been that way; I thought that it was just his personality – but it did seem unusual, as I noted in his 1st Birthday blog post. Not that he’s unhappy. He just… I don’t know quite how to explain it… The world is too interesting to waste energy being all bubbly and excitable.

I didn’t know what to expect. The foot zoner picked up his foot and identified almost immediately that the signals corresponding to his lymphatic system were completely congested, which would prevent his ears from draining properly. She was able to get those “signals” in his feet clear and moving. I was really impressed by the way she taught me some simple things I could do to help keep things clearing and healing – it was obvious that she wanted to empower me to help him, and I loved that!

Yes, his ear infections cleared up quickly and didn’t return again for almost a year. That was awesome, yes, but honestly, I almost didn’t even notice because an even bigger miracle hit me completely by surprise the next morning.

I walked into his room when he woke up, and was shocked to find him smiling already. That was a first — yes, a first, for my 18 month old son. Every other day of his life to that point, he would only smile *after* he saw me smiling at him.

When I picked him up and hugged him, he LAUGHED. Laughed? He never laughs spontaneously. Ever! This little guy previously had only ever laughed when you tickled him or got super-silly right in his face. As a mother and his primary caregiver, I knew my kid. This was incredible. I had never seen him like this before.

I am not exaggerating when I say it was like his real personality had been completely hidden up to that point, and he had been totally transformed. I spent the whole day pretty much slack-jawed and speechless.

He was a vibrant, cheerful, happy-go-lucky kid all that day… I felt like I was in The Twilight Zone or something. What in the world??? I had to know more. This kind of thing does not just magically happen. A toddler does not go from completely solemn to “all bubbly and excitable” overnight. I am not exaggerating when I say it was like his real personality had been completely hidden up to that point, and he had been totally transformed. I spent the whole day pretty much slack-jawed and speechless.

So naturally, I called the foot zoner and asked her what in the world she really did. I had to know more. She directed me to her website. I read everything I could on that site, hungry to unravel this joyful mystery, and discovered that she was starting a foot zoning course that very week.

I could learn how to do this?


I don’t even know what it was, really, but I was ready to sign up. Hang the cost. I HAD to know how that happened.

I took my baby there simply hoping it would help him avoid the need for putting tubes through his eardrums — and instead found the real baby I didn’t even know was hiding.

I looked at her website simply hoping to find an explanation — and instead found an incredible tool that has completely transformed my life, my family’s life, and the lives of many others I’ve been blessed to help.

About the Author:

Alisa thinks of her foot zoning as "The Healing Place," and finds great joy in helping others through this amazing technique. She has a special affinity for things like depression/anxiety, and is continuing to refine her foot zoning to provide as much relief as possible for those who struggle with mental health issues. She is a busy, happy mother of 6 wonderful kids.

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